
New Hope Church

2120 Olivera Ct | Concord, CA 94520 | 925.682.5918

She Tribe is rocking in the East Bay and we can’t wait to see you! Our She Tribe is taking over the west coast and we’re loving it! You have the chance as a woman to be apart of something bigger than yourself. Don’t allow excuses to keep you from diving in head first! We’re here for you but more importantly, we’re here WITH you.

So come connect with us and become part of our She Tribe. Contact us for more information about upcoming events and meet-ups.

Tribe Leader: Teena Skiles

Teena is full of contagious positivity and desires that every woman no matter her age walks out her journey in Christ with abundant life, a declared vision, and a courageous leap of faith.

Being the mother of four beautiful and creative daughters (Brooke, Alex, Courtney Jo and Maisie Je’), she realizes the importance and power of godly women mentoring and inspiring the next generation.

Teena together with her husband, Joe, pastor New Hope Church in the soulful East Bay Area. She has been married to her high school sweetheart for 28 years, and they have served in full-time ministry for 24 years.

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